
Otkrijte sve dostupne naredbe u Mini Krakenu, online RPG sustavu. Postavite svoju igru, upravljajte ekonomijom, komunicirajte s drugim igračima i još mnogo toga. Istražite njegove značajke kako biste svoje RPG iskustvo učinili još zaokruženijim i dinamičnijim!


amount member

Clears messages in the channel

🞄 amount: Amount of messages to clear
🞄 member: Member whose messages to clear



⌊Config⌉ Konfigurirajte funkcije bota, poput RPG sustava ili drugih kategorija.

🞄 stranica: Kategorija konfiguracije.



⌊Config⌉ Iskoristite kod za poklon ili premium u botu.

🞄 kod: Kod koji želite iskoristiti za nagradu.

/mod_lc remove

user value

⌊Economia⌉ remove LC from a user.

🞄 user: O usuário que receberá a quantidade de LC
🞄 value: A quantidade de LC a ser removida

/mod_lc add

user value

⌊Economia⌉ Add LC to a user.

🞄 user: O usuário que receberá a quantidade de LC
🞄 value: A quantidade de LC a ser adicionada


⌊Economic⌉ Reendem the daily reward

/store dices


⌊Economia⌉ Select and edit your dices skins.

🞄 page: Select the dice skin id.

/kc atm


⌊Economia⌉ Shows how much money you have.

🞄 user: The user to see the money

/kc rank


⌊Economia⌉ Shows the rank of richest people.

🞄 page: The page of the rank

/kc pay

user amount

⌊Economia⌉ Transfers money to another user.

🞄 user: The user to see the money
🞄 amount: The amount of money you want to transfer

/kc guide

⌊Economia⌉ Guide to use the economic System.

/kc history


⌊Economia⌉ Shows the history of your transactions.

🞄 user: The user to see the history

/lc atm


⌊Economia⌉ Shows how much money you have in guild.

🞄 user: User to check the balance

/lc rank

⌊Economia⌉ Shows the top 10 richest users in the server.

/rank system

Show the ranking of the rpg system

/rank vote


Show the ranking of votes

🞄 page: Page of the ranking

/rank daily


Show the ranking of daily

🞄 page: Page of the ranking


⌊Economia⌉ Vote in Una and help her grow


⌊Fun⌉ Make analise from the server

/action interact atack


⌊Fun⌉ Atack someone

🞄 target: User to attack

/action interact bite


⌊Fun⌉ Bite someone

🞄 target: User to bite

/action interact bonk


⌊Fun⌉ Bonk someone

🞄 target: User to bonk

/action interact slap


⌊Fun⌉ Slap someone

🞄 target: User to slap

/action react blush

⌊Fun⌉ Turn red from shame

/action react eat

⌊Fun⌉ Eat something

/action react cry

⌊Fun⌉ Cry

/mc skin


⌊Minecraft⌉ Get a player's skin.

🞄 player: The player's name.

/mc head


⌊Minecraft⌉ Get a player's head.

🞄 player: The player's name.

/mc server

ip port

⌊Minecraft⌉ Get a server's icon.

🞄 ip: The server's ip.
🞄 port: The server's port.



⌊Info⌉ Show the last changes in the bot

🞄 version: The version of the changelog

/emoji info


⌊Info⌉ Dobi informacije o Discord emojiju!

🞄 emoji: The emoji to get info

/guild icon

⌊Discord⌉ Shows guild icon.

/guild info

⌊Discord⌉ Shows guild info.


⌊Info⌉ Pošalji nove prijedloge značajki za aplikaciju.

/user info


⌊Discord⌉ Shows user info.

🞄 user: The user to see the information

/user avatar


⌊Discord⌉ Shows user avatar.

🞄 user: The user to see the avatar

/user banner


⌊Discord⌉ Shows user banner.

🞄 user: The user to see the banner


⌊Misc⌉ Popis funkcionalnosti i naredbi bota


⌊Misc⌉ Šalje ping bota.


⌊Misc⌉ Dobi podršku ili prijavi pogreške projekta.

/character list


List all characters of a user

🞄 user: Usuário a ser listado



⌊RPG⌉ Sustav bacanja kocke

🞄 kocka: Upišite izraz za kocku koju želite baciti. Primjer: 1d20



Skriveni sustav bacanja kocke, samo ćete vi vidjeti rezultat.

🞄 kocka: Upišite izraz za kocku koju želite baciti. Primjer: 1d20


test bonus

⌊RPG⌉ Inteligentni sustav kocaka.

🞄 test: what dice do you want to roll?
🞄 bonus: additional information



⌊RPG⌉ Sustav bacanja kockice

🞄 kocka: Upišite izraz za kocku koju želite baciti. Primjer: 1d20

/divulgar aventura


⌊RPG⌉ Divulgue sua mesa de RPG

🞄 imagem: Imagem da mesa

/edit dices


⌊RPG⌉ Edit your macros dices

🞄 slot: Select the macro slot you want to edit.

/edit notes

⌊RPG⌉ Edit your character annotations.


korisnik lik

⌊RPG⌉ Prikazuje vašu karticu lika za stolne ulogačke igre

🞄 korisnik: Korisnik da vidi karticu
🞄 lik: Lik da vidi karticu


⌊RPG⌉ Bacite inicijativu za borbu, kontrolu okreta i redoslijed akcije



⌊RPG⌉ Rješava matematičke izraze za vas.

🞄 problem: Matematički izraz koji treba riješiti.



⌊RPG⌉ Baci jednu ili više kovanica.

🞄 količina: Koliko kovanica želite baciti?

/grimoar dnd


The legendary Fortuna grimoire has all the spells in the world! How about taking a look?

🞄 term: What do you want to search in the grimoire?

/grimoar tormenta


The legendary Fortuna grimoire has all the spells in the world! How about taking a look?

🞄 term: What do you want to search in the grimoire?

/grimoar ordem


The legendary Fortuna grimoire has all the rituals in the world! How about taking a look?

🞄 term: What do you want to search in the grimoire?


⌊RPG⌉ Pokretanje virtualne mreže za borbu za stolom


kocke glad

⌊RPG⌉ Sustav bacanja kocke za Vampir: Maska

🞄 kocke: Odaberite broj kocaka za bacanje.
🞄 glad: Koliko kockica gladi želiš baciti?

/špil poker

⌊Util⌉ Odaberite slučajnu kartu iz špila za poker | 52 karte bez džokera

/špil canastra

⌊Util⌉ Odaberite slučajnu kartu iz špila za poker | 56 karata s džokerima

/špil tarot


⌊Util⌉ Odaberite nasumičnu kartu iz špila tarot karata Fortuna

🞄 obrnuti: Aktiviraj da bi se karta mogla pojaviti naopako

/špil wyrt

⌊Util⌉ Izazov igre karata WYRT


⌊Misc⌉ Prijavite se, označite početno i završno vrijeme aktivnosti.

/decrypt morse


Descript Texts from morse

🞄 text: Text to descript

/decrypt binary


Descript Texts from binary

🞄 text: Text to descript

/encrypt morse


Encript Texts in morse

🞄 text: Text to encript

/encrypt binary


Encript Texts in binary

🞄 text: Text to encript

/generate name


Generate a name for a character.

🞄 gender: The gender of the character

/generate city


Generate a city name.

🞄 type: The type of the city

/generate atributes


Generate Atributes for a character.

🞄 system: The system of the character

/generate npc


Generate a NPC

🞄 gender: The gender of the character

/generate image


Gerar e Manipular Imagens

🞄 type: The type of the image


naslov description user deadline

Stvorite zadatak za sebe ili nekoga drugoga.

🞄 naslov: Naslov zadatka koji želite stvoriti.
🞄 description: Task description
🞄 user: User to assign the task
🞄 deadline: Time in days to complete the task


vrijeme naslov

Napravite štopericu u chatu koja će poslati poruku kada vrijeme istekne.

🞄 vrijeme: Vrijeme u minutama
🞄 naslov: Naslov mjerne jedinice