
Discover all the available commands in Mini Kraken, an online RPG system. Set up your game, manage the economy, interact with other players, and more. Explore its features to make your RPG experience even more engaging and dynamic!


amount member

Clears messages in the channel

🞄 amount: Amount of messages to clear
🞄 member: Member whose messages to clear



⌊Config⌉ Configure the bot's functions, such as the RPG system or other categories.

🞄 page: The configuration category.



⌊Config⌉ Redeem a gift or premium code in the bot.

🞄 code: The code you want to redeem to receive the reward.

/mod_lc remove

user value

⌊Economia⌉ remove LC from a user.

🞄 user: O usuário que receberá a quantidade de LC
🞄 value: A quantidade de LC a ser removida

/mod_lc add

user value

⌊Economia⌉ Add LC to a user.

🞄 user: O usuário que receberá a quantidade de LC
🞄 value: A quantidade de LC a ser adicionada


⌊Economic⌉ Reendem the daily reward

/store dices


⌊Economia⌉ Select and edit your dices skins.

🞄 page: Select the dice skin id.

/kc atm


⌊Economia⌉ Shows how much money you have.

🞄 user: The user to see the money

/kc rank


⌊Economia⌉ Shows the rank of richest people.

🞄 page: The page of the rank

/kc pay

user amount

⌊Economia⌉ Transfers money to another user.

🞄 user: The user to see the money
🞄 amount: The amount of money you want to transfer

/kc guide

⌊Economia⌉ Guide to use the economic System.

/kc history


⌊Economia⌉ Shows the history of your transactions.

🞄 user: The user to see the history

/lc atm


⌊Economia⌉ Shows how much money you have in guild.

🞄 user: User to check the balance

/lc rank

⌊Economia⌉ Shows the top 10 richest users in the server.

/rank system

Show the ranking of the rpg system

/rank vote


Show the ranking of votes

🞄 page: Page of the ranking

/rank daily


Show the ranking of daily

🞄 page: Page of the ranking


⌊Economia⌉ Vote in Una and help her grow


⌊Fun⌉ Make analise from the server

/action interact atack


⌊Fun⌉ Atack someone

🞄 target: User to attack

/action interact bite


⌊Fun⌉ Bite someone

🞄 target: User to bite

/action interact bonk


⌊Fun⌉ Bonk someone

🞄 target: User to bonk

/action interact slap


⌊Fun⌉ Slap someone

🞄 target: User to slap

/action react blush

⌊Fun⌉ Turn red from shame

/action react eat

⌊Fun⌉ Eat something

/action react cry

⌊Fun⌉ Cry

/mc skin


⌊Minecraft⌉ Get a player's skin.

🞄 player: The player's name.

/mc head


⌊Minecraft⌉ Get a player's head.

🞄 player: The player's name.

/mc server

ip port

⌊Minecraft⌉ Get a server's icon.

🞄 ip: The server's ip.
🞄 port: The server's port.



⌊Info⌉ Show the last changes in the bot

🞄 version: The version of the changelog

/emoji info


Info about a emoji

🞄 emoji: The emoji to get info

/guild icon

⌊Discord⌉ Shows guild icon.

/guild info

⌊Discord⌉ Shows guild info.


⌊Info⌉ Submit new feature suggestions for the app.

/user info


⌊Discord⌉ Shows user info.

🞄 user: The user to see the information

/user avatar


⌊Discord⌉ Shows user avatar.

🞄 user: The user to see the avatar

/user banner


⌊Discord⌉ Shows user banner.

🞄 user: The user to see the banner


⌊Misc⌉ Listing the bot features and commands


⌊Misc⌉ Sends the bot's ping.


⌊Misc⌉ Provides help or reports bugs.

/character list


List all characters of a user

🞄 user: Usuário a ser listado



⌊RPG⌉ Dice rolling system.

🞄 dice: Enter the dice expression you want to roll. Example: 1d20



Hidden dice roll system, only you will see the result.

🞄 dice: Enter the dice expression you want to roll. Example: 1d20


test bonus

⌊RPG⌉ Smart Dices System.

🞄 test: what dice do you want to roll?
🞄 bonus: additional information



⌊RPG⌉ Dice rolling system.

🞄 dice: Enter the dice expression you want to roll. Example: 1d20

/divulgar aventura


⌊RPG⌉ Divulgue sua mesa de RPG

🞄 imagem: Imagem da mesa

/edit dices


⌊RPG⌉ Edit your macros dices

🞄 slot: Select the macro slot you want to edit.

/edit notes

⌊RPG⌉ Edit your character annotations.


user character

⌊RPG⌉ Shows your tabletop rpg character sheet

🞄 user: The user to see the sheet
🞄 character: The character to see the sheet


⌊RPG⌉ Roll initiative for combat, turn control, and action order



⌊RPG⌉ Resolves a math expression.

🞄 problem: The math expression to be resolved.



⌊RPG⌉ Flip one or more coins.

🞄 count: How many coins do you want to flip?

/spells dnd


The legendary Fortuna grimoire has all the spells in the world! How about taking a look?

🞄 term: What do you want to search in the grimoire?

/spells tormenta


The legendary Fortuna grimoire has all the spells in the world! How about taking a look?

🞄 term: What do you want to search in the grimoire?

/spells ordem


The legendary Fortuna grimoire has all the rituals in the world! How about taking a look?

🞄 term: What do you want to search in the grimoire?


dices hungry

⌊RPG⌉ Dice rolling system for Vampire.

🞄 dices: Choose the count of dices to roll.
🞄 hungry: Choose the count of Hungry dices to roll.

/deck poker

⌊Util⌉ Choose a random card from a poker deck | 52 cards without jokers

/deck canastra

⌊Util⌉ Choose a random card from a poker deck | 56 cards with jokers

/deck tarot


⌊Util⌉ Pick a random card from fortuna tarot deck

🞄 reverse: Enable to allow the card to come upside down

/deck wyrt

⌊Util⌉ WYRT Card Game Challenge


⌊Misc⌉ Check-in, marking the start and end time of an activity.

/decrypt morse


Descript Texts from morse

🞄 text: Text to descript

/decrypt binary


Descript Texts from binary

🞄 text: Text to descript

/encrypt morse


Encript Texts in morse

🞄 text: Text to encript

/encrypt binary


Encript Texts in binary

🞄 text: Text to encript

/generate name


Generate a name for a character.

🞄 gender: The gender of the character

/generate city


Generate a city name.

🞄 type: The type of the city

/generate atributes


Generate Atributes for a character.

🞄 system: The system of the character

/generate npc


Generate a NPC

🞄 gender: The gender of the character

/generate image


Gerar e Manipular Imagens

🞄 type: The type of the image


title description user deadline

Create a task for you or someone else

🞄 title: Title of the task you want to create.
🞄 description: Task description
🞄 user: User to assign the task
🞄 deadline: Time in days to complete the task


time title

Create a timer in chat that will send a message when the time is up.

🞄 time: Time in minutes
🞄 title: Title of the timer