Ver el historial de actualizaciones del bot
Added LGBTQIA+ Pride Month skin collection that will be 1kc for a limited time until the next update.Increased the data roll limit to 10 thousand data from 100 thousand sides
Update Notes - Technical Changes, Changes and Bug FixesImplemented improvements to the cache system to optimize data loading.Improved the search algorithm for faster response to queries.Updated network infrastructure for greater stability and speed.Fixed issue that caused slow rendering of graphic elements.Adjustments to exception handling for better error management.System security improvements, including additional validation of data input.Optimizations in memory usage for reduce resource consumption.Fixed specific bugs, such as:Resolved bug that caused an error when editing data with the /edit dices command.Fixed problem with incorrect scrolling on certain systems, such as T20.Adjustments to command behavior /encrypt to restore correct functionality.Resolved error that prevented the correct deletion of tokens.
Added local economy and curren-UScy system the /lc is now an economy command, the /lc atm shows your balance and the /lc top shows the top 10 of local coins.In addition commands like /mod_lc add, /mod_lc remove and /mod_lc set allow you to modify the balance of any user. by default only administrators can use such commands, however permissions can be changed in the discord permissions configuration panel, in addition the name of the local curren-UScy can be changed in the /config panel.
# Petch - Addition of New surnames- Addition of the new /gen-USerate npc command- Addition of the /emoji Info command- Improvemen-USt of the RPG table disclosure system.- BUG fix in the gen-USeration of surnames.- /gen-USerate computer image- Improvemen-USt in /initiative
- Dice Store (RPG Dice Skins)Launch of the family dice lunch collection
Addition of 2 New Commands- /Deck WYRT (Deck of a card game that exists in Tormen-USta20)- /changelog (Command that displays all Bot updates) - /config (No longer spams the chat, now it edits the message)
- Fixed bug in mathematical data roll- Fixed bug rolling with # Very long- Doubled the limit of characters allowed in the embed from 1024 to 2048- Improvemen-USt in /gen-USerate attributes[RESTART TO UPDATE]
# Damn Bugs- Fixed bug in data roll that did not result in the total in large rolls.- Fixed error message in /en-USviar campanha so that it only appears to those who typed the command.- Fixed Undefined in /en-USviar campanha.
- Tarot Meanings- Turn Tarot Cards- add Fool card- en-UScrypt Binary and Morse /en-UScript /uncript- Attribute Roll Shortcuts /gen-USerate attributes- The Back button only appears in men-USus from /sheet- /en-USviar campanha re-done, now returns the reason the campaign was den-USied.
- Optimization of the roll embed- Upgrade in the translation system added Spanish for Latin America and Italian- Implemen-USt # for multiple data rolls- System to notify Database OFF instead of this interaction failed a database unavailable warning will appear.
Small update of the magrugas- Change of the dice icon- Addition of the /daily command to collect daily rewards
- Some Checks here and there- Optimization- A little more optimization- Someone for this
- Optimization of the size of the roll embed- Increased rolling speed- Total implemen-UStation of the new translation system- Character configuration panel (still useless but it is a preview of what will be possible in 2024)- Implemen-USted EasterEggs in the project. (can you find them all?)@:newspaper: Notify News - Vacancies for translators for Fren-USch and Japanese
- New Pathfinder system- Change of the 3DEt icon
Fixed bug in /edit attributes that did not allow saving attribute 0 (I don't know how I never noticed, it was there since the day the command was released)- Removed bug in /di that negative attributes caused an error in the dice
- Bug fix when-US saving data (I hope it worked)- Bug fixes in the dice rolling system in the bot's private- Now the macro data appears in /d and /dh natively to facilitate rolling- Improvemen-USt in bot translations- Incremen-USt in the D&D sheet (Level, Armor Class and Displacemen-USt) thanks to @tori_9999 for the suggestion.
- Addition of notes in the sheet at the request of @alice2469- Addition of the public & private sheets configuration at the request of @sferrarin- Addition of the /edit notes command- Addition of the /edit status command- Improvemen-USt in translations
Added the /timer command that creates a timer in the chat to put pressure on that slow playerChanges in the translation system in the /d commandCorrection of small errors.Response time optimization.Soon the translations of @Fortuna will become public if you are interested in helping with the translation, contact us to assign the translator role.Bug fixes in /config and character sheets.
New version Available bringing some new features.- Addition of [3DET]( System- Bug Fixes in Token-USs- Improved Translations- Translations in 78% (Portuguese, en-USglish, Spanish, Russian)- Improvemen-USt in the Caching System- Officialization of the new infrastructure where Una is hosted- Reactivation of the Voting systemLegal:Remembering that we do not own any of the systems that the bot has, we are only here to bring more practicality to the tables and we have no relationship with the publisher that owns all the rights to it.Dedication to @alice2469 for having indicated and helped in the adaptation of the new system.
- Addition of New Spells in D&D- Implemen-UStation of New Translation System- Changed Communication with the Database faster responses.
Fixed bugs in Tormen-UStaAddition of the Gaia SystemBot Host MigrationDatabase Migration @Rinne we love you.Bug fix in /diCode optimization.Addition of new shard.Ping improvemen-USt to 40ms response.Addition of new Language to the BOT RussianNew command /suggestAddition of 3 new spells to the D&D grimorioCorrection of 8 bugsBot OptimizationAdded new 500 Names in /gen-USerate name thank you @almofadinhas
Added /grimorio OrdemThis command allows you to search among the rituals of the book and have in real time what they do
Quir In The World of Javascript Part 2Reduction of the data roll embed that is 10% smallerThe /sheet no longer spams the DMthe /grimorio gained 3 new spells. (each update now brings news to the grimorio, little by little everything arrives relax!)Attempt to fix bug in /edit that stopped workingBecause nothing works the first time or the second timeFixed errors in /edit (I hope)
The /dh macro data didn't work was fixedThe bot's activity displayed Universes 🪐 instead of the correct amount/ficha gave an error in some en-USglish systemsfixed [Object object] in /grimório./en-USviar campanha now sen-USds for evaluation by webhook because of the shardsfixed several errors with custom systems.fixed error in the delete initiative button if the message was deleted.fixed error that did not allow setting the master role.paranormal order: removed sleight of hand skill and put training in placeAdded the /grimorio command that allows you to search for d&d spells (curren-UStly limited to tricks)/resgatar command finishedImplemen-USted Shards systemImplemen-USted system to have custom systems (homebrew) on your serversImplemen-UStation of a cache system, commands are responding faster and depen-USding less on the database.Code optimization in gen-USeralCorrection of more than 26 bugsIncremen-USt system in /edit statusAddition of /server IconPreparations for Mini Kraken-US Gen-US2Added the Carbon 2185 RPG System (Cyberpunk RPG System)
+ Data roll without slash, just type 1d20 or any expression in any chat, that Mini Kraken-US will respond, if you want to deactivate, just remove the permission of Una to read the chat.+ Ship Command+ Host Change, more FPS in Bot!
Have you ever searched for RPG on the internet? Have you noticed the number of differen-USt tables that the same master can have? Instead of wasting hours looking, let Mini Kraken-US facilitate your search for the ideal Table with the best System. Mini Kraken-US compares RPG tables, just access the Table Chat and search.+ Added "/en-USviar campanha" command for RPG table disclosure through WebhooksChanges in the name gen-USerator now using the same script and database as the site.Bug Fixes and Code Optimization.Fixed some bugs and errors in some systems.Change and correction of the translation of some commands.
Changes in deck commands:+ /deck Poker+ /deck TarotChanges in systems:+ Addition of Order Skills (Crime, Survival, Investigation, Arts)Gen-USeral:+ Addition of error message in /resgatar (/reedem)+ Optimization of the gif in /ajuda (still crashes but less, it's a problem in the discord mobile app, it doesn't happen-US in the IOS version)- Removed bugs in T20 systems some skills were swappedAfter changes in the API Una had broken-US from 19:00, the problem was fixed with the update
Addition of the new gen-USeration commands./gerar cidade - Randomly gen-USerates the name of a city and some information./gerar nome - Gen-USerates the name of a random character.Change in the /ficha command - formerly /card was used to access the sheet in en-USglish now it is /sheet.Ticket Mechanism Done.
+ Tormen-USta finally added to the systems!!!+ /vote now gives more KC (adjusted according to inflation)+ Now /kc atm warns you to vote if you haven-US't voted in the last 12 hours- Removed bugs in /initiative and /kc atm- Fixed typos in certain commands
Added commands to view user information./user info | /user avatar | /user banne
Una won the first preview of the economy commands, now you can use the commands: "/kc atm", "/kc top" "/kc pay" curren-UStly the commands "/daily" and vote are not working
Quir made several changes to the code to optimize it but he's not sure how he did it
- Fixed bug where no /edit worked+ Added /edit skills+ Added /initiative command (now officially), a command for rolling initiative
- Fixed bug in /di that did not allow the rolling of attributes.- Error in editing skills in Spanish.Added skills "Arts" and "Investigation"- Fixed bug where when-US rolling with advantage the skills did not add the bonuses
The bot has finally been-US 100% adapted to JS, and in a way that all systems are now configured 100% by JSON.Ok, but what does that change?Well, now the bot is almost ready to receive custom systems, just a few adjustmen-USts and premium users will be able to create, sen-USd and use custom systems.At the momen-USt, the biggest challen-USge is to create a graphical interface for this, but anyone who knows programming, if you want you can come talk to @Rinne to show the JSON structure. We are offering Premium Server for 1 month to anyone who helps adapt an official system that has not been-US made yet (like Tormen-USta20 and Call of Cthulhu)!/sheet is now fully functional, and skills have been-US added to it, from which /di pulls directly, no longer needing to see which skills you have
Added the /deck command that returns a random card from a 52-card deck (no jokers), we appreciate the suggestions.- A small bug fix and code optimization, the responses are significantly faster.- Fixed the bug of the life edit button, other buttons in /sheet are still not functional.- Fixed the bug of the life edit button, other buttons in /sheet are still not functional.
#Patch 1Fixed Support LinksFixed the undefined data macro message.#Patch 2Now commands like /config, /edit data, /sheet & /di are working but /edit attributes is still not. and should arrive at the en-USd of the week.#Patch 3Anti-Crash System added to the bot, if a major error occurs, it will ignore and continue. instead of the en-UStire bot dying, only the command will fail.#Patch 4The /edit attributes command is available again, as well as the edit attributes button in /sheet however the other buttons in /sheet are still not available like the life control that will arrive in the next patch
Eita BBs, we are running in javascript now, okay not everything is 100% some functions are disabled, but we are running in javascript./d - now has an auto complete system with data macros/editar dados - allows you to set data macros/di is temporarily disabled/ficha - is temporarily disabled/config - reformulated added new options.New translation system.There was a lot more, when-US I wake up I'll make a decen-USt patch.
Hello loves, I just suffered a slight change, apparen-UStly spacings in your name made me crazy.- Bug of /ficha fixed in the DnD system
+ Bug Fixes in Logs+ Now there is a new button in /ficha that allows you to edit the money.
+ Add the secret dice command /dh where only the one who types can see the result+ Overhauled the /en-USviar campanha interface+ export your rpg sheet
+ Added local RPG economy system, use /coin to modify your money, and /ficha to see# Old /coins command was ren-USamed to /kc, to avoid confusion- Fixed some spelling errors --caused by illiterate QuirDon--Soon it will be possible to change the money symbol of the table, such as from $ to R$
We released a small change, the /di of paranormal order appears only to the user, stopping polluting the chat.our infrastructure was overloaded due to the new users, which made it necessary to make changes in some systems so that the bot has the best possible efficien-UScy and they were made.NavBar change on the site in the command list tabWe started the developmen-USt of new systems linked to the paranormal order that will arrive in a future update such as sanity points on the sheet.System update now the paranormal order system had its automatic rolling system updated to the book system. that is, if I have 1 stren-USgth I roll 1d20 previously it was rolling 1 more die always
Welcome to the world of paranormal order, at your request we developed a roller helper for order in Una, in addition we reformulated several commands that already existed.+ Addition of the option to choose system in /config that has the options order and DnD+ Reconstruction of all systems involving rolling to adapt to new systems/ficha; /di ; /edit atributes are new and more intuitive + Creation of a new /di focused on paranormal order+ Creation of paranormal order sheets+ Technical changes in the code+ Now more commands gain support for the automatic translation system[Warning] The Update will be implemen-USted at 19:00 where all the bot's systems will en-USter mainten-USance for its implemen-UStation.[Alert] for now the /di of order is only in Portuguese however soon it will be translated into en-USglish.
The update that QuirDon didn't know was supposed to be this (only in that version everything was buggy because I forgot to test)+ Fate dices were actually added (FINALLY), Alec's suggestion from a few months ago that I was too busy to do+ Refactored data validation, because it was literally IMPOSSIBLE to mess with that+ Preparations started for the order system, /di of the system almost ready+ Added /dm command, it's the macro data part of /di- Removed /di macro data to be moved to /dm- Removed bug in /edit attributes that did not allow saving attribute 0 (I don't know how I never noticed, it was there since the day the command was released)- Removed bug in /di that negative attributes caused an error in the dice
- Finally Implemen-USted the KC (Kraken-US Coins) System- The Votes Finally Bring Rewards, Now when-US voting on the bot on you earn a random amount of KC (Soon premium members will have a Multiplier in this value)- Bug Fixes and Changes in the translation systemBug Fixes in /hp (it is working but I will probably redo it during the week, as it is an old command it is not as efficien-USt as it could be.)Thanks to - Izou.#0838 for reporting the bug. - Bug FixBug Fixes a bug in /wiki items made the bot DieNow it is no longer necessary for the bot to be restarted to launch new commands. Change in the Data System with news.What's new Quir? good question the Semanual did and didn't say anything# Apparen-UStly only created bugs but tonight has an update
+ The /di command has been-US completely redone to support the new translation system+ The changes in /di will provide in the near future support for new RPG systems however, we will need the help of masters to introduce so if you are interested in having the RPG system that you normally use open-US a ticket.
+ Now Una has changes in the /help command that leads to the list of commands on the site+ Reading Thoughts, now I can know in which language you think and speak in your language among those I know+ Change in /config added the Global function+ Correction in /en-USviar campanha
Now the bot supports voice text chats.
Ara Ara Update, oh no the Japanese Ray hit the Mini Kraken-US and now it's a 2D hottie.Meet Inanimalia Fortuna Ten-USebris Verteri(Una) for the closest, One of the first Promises of /donate has finally been-US fulfilled.#Minecraft_Commands/Mc Skin/Mc Head#New_RPG_ThingsHP System (/hp)Addition of the /wiki community library command.#Dice_RollingBug fixes in /dUpdate of /d with ++Optimization of /d (70% faster)Documen-UStation reformulated.#Gen-USeralAlmost all commands are translated (except /bater /analise and /wiki items)Update of /helpCorrection and addition of embed in /Analise and /baterChange in /configAddition of /vote (Soon there will be rewards for voting)Addition of /server info #Technical_ThingsNow when-US removing the bot from the server it deletes the server from the database.Now the Premium is with the Time Organization system and deactivates only.#Waifu_UwUChange in the Visual and profile picture of the botChanges in about me and in automatic statuses
+ Super Optimization of /d now it is 900% faster
- Removed bug that made RCE possible from /dice+ Added dice with mathematical operators that affect all rolls instead of just the results (we were going to release only in the next update, but since it's already done...)
+ Addition of the /mc skin Command (I don't know why we added this but now it has)+ /room commands create private rooms has never been-US so easy. (Function Removed)+ Addition of the /ping command that returns the bot's ping.+ Bug fix when-US editing /ficha /edit atributes+ Database migration+ New Host now faster. + Bug fix when-US rolling the data macros in /di+ /gerar atributes command added
+ Added dice modifiers << and >>They aim to keep only the numbers less than or equal (<<) or greater than or equal (>>) than the number to their rightEx.: 10d20<<10 => will roll 10 dice of 20 sides and keep only the rolls less than or equal to 10+ Now the dice modifiers k and km work togetherEx.: 10d20 k3 km5 => will keep the 5 lowest and the 3 highest, the rest will be discarded+ The bot was migrated to a new host, with more space, processing and a MySQL database+ We took advantage of the new host and migrated all the bot's save (which was a .json file) to this database+ Premium servers are finally working, and premium members no longer need to necessarily be in this server. We updated /donate to pass the new information.+ The /di and /ficha commands (which now has an alias in en-USglish, /card) were practically redone from scratch, now prepared to receive the update of differen-USt RPG systems (it will probably come out in the next update)+ Added the /update command, which sen-USds the last update of the bot+ A website was made for the bot, with some information about it, such as a tutorial on how to use, the terms of use, presen-UStation of the team and information on how to donate. The link to the site is [](Yes, it's google sites because we don't have money for our own domain) (the old site no longer exists, after all this one is much better)- Command /lang removedThe /config command from now on will serve to configure everything related to the bot in your server. Curren-UStly only the language can be modified, but we will still add more things in the future
- Removed bug where dice with non-integer results were not rounded correctly.- Fixed bug where numerical expressions were not calculated.- Fixed bug where anyone could use commands that only the bot owner should be able to.
+ Added "keep minimum" (km) dice:5d20km2 => Rolls 5 dice of 20 sides and keeps the two lowest values.+ Added explosive diced10e10 => Rolls a 10-sided die, and rolls again if the result is greater than or equal to 10.+ Added dice that explode indefinitelyd10ei10 => Rolls a 10-sided die, explodes at 10 and if the value is again greater than or equal to 10, it explodes again. It will continue to explode until the value is less than 10.(Limited to 200 explosions per command to preven-USt abuse.)NOTE: You cannot use explosive dice and "keep" dice at the same time.+ Added support for mathematical expressionsNow you can write d20+6 / (4d20 + d20k2) for example. (Limited to addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and remainder)+ Added some writing shortcutsd = 1d20: A die without the number of sides will be understood as a 20-sided die;3dk = 3d20k1: A keep die without a number in front will be understood as "keep one" (the same applies to km dice);5d10e = 5d10e10: An explosive die without an explosion number will be understood as "explode at the highest value of the die" (the same applies to ei).
Now the master and the players can save data using /edit_dices this will make it easier for your frien-USd who plays as a paladin and has 100d3+5d6+9d8+52 at the time of the combo.To execute the saved data, a new men-USu has been-US added in /di
A New Update of the Bot Just Arrived!!!It's Quirdon but what the hell is new??Now you can use a /editdices and save that naughty combo you prepared for the boss like 8d6+9d3+1d2+5+9And to run it just use the /di and select the slot you saved the dice.As I have to host the Bot you can release 5 extra slots to save data by making a donation, you will earn the @Apoiadores role when-US you do.
Emergen-UScy Mainten-USance, the bot wen-USt through a little complicated problem in /d if you tried to roll a d1000 it was spamming I believe the bug was fixed. As the discord API is slow it will take some time for the slashes to work again.
Upgrade in /d now it is possible to keep a quantity of data example 4d6k3 runs 4 dice of 6 sides and keeps the highest value.Added new forms of Donation in /donateCorrection In Translations both Portuguese and en-USglish.Data Macros The System is not yet finalized and will arrive in the next update, it will arrive along with the ben-USefits of donor NEW Deisgn/support/helpDue to the discord API it may take up to 3 hours for the functions to arrive on your server